In any modest-sized family home, locks tend to accumulate - door locks, shed locks, mailbox locks, cabinet locks, closet locks, lockbox locks... Locks breed keys, keys breed frustration when they get misplaced - and they always get misplaced when they are used a few times a year. And even though I did decide to learn lock picking (sic!) in the meantime, to have a last-resort method to open those pesky locks, and even bought a training set (double sic!!), I never had time to practice it to the point of usability.
An obvious solution is a key cabinet. But, similar to the jewellery drawer lock I wrote about earlier, there is an inconvenience of having to lock the cabinet whenever you leave your house to cleaners or contractors and want to feel peace of mind.
Of course you could lock it and keep its key on your key chain. But this was not fail safe (what if your main keys get misplaced, or worse, stolen?) Instead, inspired by the KGB spy stories, where agents would wrap a hair around their purse clasp to see if it's been opened (presumably by an opposing MI6 agent), I wanted to design an electronic detector that would alert me if the cabinet was opened in my absence.
The idea that immediately comes to mind is a simple contactor, i.e. en electromagnetic relay with its coil wired in series with its normally open contacts, like so:
The operation is pretty simple: the relay K1 is initially de-energized because its contacts are normally open; as soon as the (discreetly located) Start button is pushed, contacts are bypassed, the relay is energized and maintains the contacts closed. At that point the circuit is "armed" (signaled by the LED illuminating as shown above; R1 may be needed to limit the LED current). This goes on indefinitely until the circuit is broken (say by a reed switch attached to the door of the key cabinet, and I had a few of them lying around). The LED goes out, signalling that the cabinet was opened. The diode D1 is the flyback diode, especially important to protect the reed switch from arcing damage.
The drawbacks of this set-up are too obvious. The relay is an overkill to power a single LED (the relay coil consumes about 10 times more power). In addition, there is no way of telling if the LED went out because someone opened the cabinet or because the battery went out (and powering it from a wall adapter is a non-starter because it would give a false alarm for every tiniest power outage.)
To solve the first drawback, I remembered I had an optocoupler lying around (the white 6-pin chip from this kit), which can work like a relay but for a fraction of power. To solve the second drawback I remembered that I had also ordered some MOSFETs for an earlier garage door opener mod project and ended up using bipolar transistors instead. So the resulting circuit was something like this (the link opens in a live circuit simulator) :
Again the operating principle is pretty simple. The optocopupler Q1 takes on the role of the relay K1; the resistor R1 in the previous diagram is split between R1 and R2 here, creating a voltage divider is such a way that when current flows through Q1, the gate of the MOSFET Q2 has just the right potential to close Q2. When Q1 is de-energized, Q2 becomes opened and illuminates the alarm LED through the resistor R3.
Implementation and breadboard
When I needed to spend a few hours at a car dealership waiting for my car to be serviced, I took along a few parts, a multimeter and a breadboard and tried to implement my circuit (funny as it looked in the dealership lounge). After a few trials I ended up with this (again please feel free to play in the simulator):
The only modification, aside from tuning the values of the resistors to suit my actual optocoupler and MOSFET, came from the fact that my optocoupler had a separate base pin for the phototransistor, and leaving it floating meant that it could get energized at random upon power-up (defeating all the purpose of the circuit). So I had to introduce the D1-R4 circuit to pull the base pin down just so that Q1 always started with closed phototransistor (in the simulator, it looks detached because the optocoupler there is a generic part having no base lead).
In the breadboard, the circuit looked like this (the red LED is actually D1 - I did not think I would need an ordinary diode, so I did not bring one to the shop and had to use a LED instead.):
Soldering and final installation
Some 6 months later (yes, because small kids);I found a bit of more time to attempt to actually solder it together on a protoboard PCB. I had never soldered anything serious before, so I made a few bad mistakes along the way:
- I learned that you cannot connect two adjacent pads with just a drop of solder - needed to use a tiny bit of wire, or strip a component lead leaving 1-2 mm slack and bending it to extend to an adjacent pad.
- I learned that it is not possible to melt more than one hole simultaneously unless you had a very specialized tip and super stable hands. So pre-filling the holes for the MOSFET (or worse, the optocoupler) was a disaster and I deeded to clean out the holes again using a desoldering pump (good I had a very basic one included with the soldering kit); a few times even this wasn't working and I had to resort to a Dremel with a very tiny drill bit. All in all, a third hand station I bought a few years before proved very useful here (finally).
- My decision to place components to both sides of the PCB (LEDs and the button on one side, the rest on the other) was a mistake. It would have been cleaner and more compact with everything on the same side.
But patience and perseverance won (and, oddly but fortunately, the components endured my multiple attempts). Here goes (note that D1 is now a proper diode :) :
The remaining step was to install it in some kind of case. I did not have anything fancy like a 3D printer so I used a pre-bought plastic box to put the board inside using good old-fashioned M3 screws. Unfortunately, the batteries did not fit on the inside (they would if I had not made the mistake #3 above). So outside they went, on the back of the box. The final result looks like this:
The Start button is hidden behind the fourth screw (the one beside the LEDs). It is shorter than the remaining three screws that hold the board in place. To arm, the screw needs to be removed, and the button can then be pressed through its hole.
In operation, it looks like this:
Bonus: The current consumption of the circuit is around 2 mA (two milliamps), in either state, and most of it is the LEDs. Which means that four AAA batteries would power it through months on end; if this proves not enough, I'll put four D batteries and will probably only need to replace them once every few years.
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