Wednesday, February 6, 2019

No more calculation babysitting!

Let's imagine you work with a computer on a daily basis (which, as it were, is a rather common scenario these days), and let's imagine your work includes "relatively lengthy" computational tasks -- lengthy enough that it is not productive to just sit there staring at the proverbial hourglass cursor (or meditating over the progress bar, or praying over the build output console window that it compiles without errors, or whatever it is). So...

So, after some time waiting (depending on your boredom threshold, about 30 seconds for me, I'd guess under 2 minutes for most people) you decide to multitask and switch to another task (work-related or otherwise). Before long, that other task immerses you and you realize that your lengthy computation was actually done minutes ago and you could have, and should have, resumed your workflow earlier. So in an attempt to avoid doing nothing and increase productivity, you just dumped it down the tubes.

Or consider another scenario. Your computation is now lengthy enough (say, 10-20 minutes) so that you decide to grab a coffee from the kitchen, or grab a quick bite/smoke/chat, or whatever it is. It would be cool if you could get an alert that your task has finished, so you can timely return and resume work without having to check on your workstation multiple times.

Or yet another scenario. You need to run an even lengthier calculation, perhaps a few hours on end, so you leave it running after hours. And you have several of them to run after each other, and you want to run as many as you can before the next working day. So again it would be cool if you can get an alert once your calculation finishes, rather than having to log in and check on the computation  progress repeatedly. More importantly, if your task is aborted early due to some mishap (which happened to me due to my own banana fingers more times than I'd confess), you really want to be alerted at once, rather than after what you thing the task should have taken, had it completed normally.

The first scenario can partially be mitigated by running Windows Task Manager, minimizing it, and noticing when the CPU usage drops, indicating that your task has finished. But you still need to remain vigilant and keep watching that tiny indicator, and with current multicore CPUs, the drop may be from 13% to some 2%, which is not very noticeable visually. Not to mention that the two remaining scenarios cannot be worked around in this way.

Wouldn't it be nice to have an automated monitor which can do this for you?

Yeah it sure would.

So let's see how we can do it in Windows Powershell. You can determine the CPU usage of a process using this function (loosely adapted from here):

function get-excel-CPU ($avgs=1)
 for ($i=1; $i -le $avgs; $i++)
  $cpuinfo = Get-WmiObject Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfProc_Process -filter "Name LIKE '%EXCEL%'"
  $result=$result + ($cpuinfo.PercentProcessorTime |Measure -max).Maximum
  start-sleep -m 150
 $result = $result/$avgs

Note the following:

  • I use EXCEL as an example because I use it most often. It is trivial to modify it to work with any other program.
  • The function takes into account that there can be multiple instances of your program, and will report the CPU usage of the most CPU intensive process. Usually, this is what you want, because only one of your instances will be doing computations anyway, but you can easily fine-tune it to be more instance-specific.
  • The function measures CPU usage several ($avgs) times with a short waiting period in between, and then averages the measurement. This is done because some computations, mostly ones heavily on local or network I/O, will have wildly fluctuating CPU usage, so taking one measurement may trick the script into falsely deciding that the computation has finished. You may need to fine-tune the number of measurements and the wait time between them to reflect your specific computation pattern.

Now that we have a way to automatically determine the CPU usage, we can easily wrap it in a control loop:

$poll = 10
$homethresh = 600
$sensitivity = 5
$fullout = new-timespan -Seconds 86400
$mailout = new-timespan -Seconds $homethresh
$sw = [diagnostics.stopwatch]::StartNew()

$thiscpu = get-excel-cpu 5

if ($thiscpu -lt $sensitivity) 
 write-host $thiscpu, ": Excel not running, exiting."
 write-host "Initial CPU is ", $thiscpu
 while ($sw.elapsed -lt $fullout)
  start-sleep -s $poll
  $thiscpu = get-excel-cpu 3
  $lock = is-locked
  write-host "Elapsed", $sw.elapsed, " -- CPU is ", $thiscpu, "   ",$lock
  if ($thiscpu -lt $sensitivity) {$cnt++} else {$cnt=0}
  if ($cnt -ge 2)
    write-host "FINISHED!!!!"
     if ($lock -eq "UNLOCKED") {show-splash} else {phone-home}
 write-host "Timed out!"

Note the line if (...) {show-splash} else {phone-home} . There are two ways to alert you that the computation has finished. One is to show you a big splash screen, borrowed from here:

function show-splash 
 Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
 $Form = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Form
  $Form.Text = "Finished"
  $Form.AutoSize = $True
  $Form.AutoSizeMode = "GrowAndShrink"
  $Form.BackColor = "Lime"
  $Font = New-Object System.Drawing.Font("Arial",96,[System.Drawing.FontStyle]::Bold)
  $Form.Font = $Font
  $Label = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label
  $Label.Text = "Calculation finished!"
  $Label.AutoSize = $True
  # -- this ensures your splash screen appears on top of other windows!

The other is to simply send you an email that gets pushed to your smartphone or smart watch, borrowed from here (using Outlook rather than Send-MailMessage so that your IT department can safely inspect your outgoing email and won't mistake your script for a trojan):

function phone-home
 $Outlook = New-Object -ComObject Outlook.Application
 $Mail = $Outlook.CreateItem(0)
  $Mail.To = ""
  $Mail.Subject = "Calculation finished"
  $Mail.Body ="Your calculation has finished. If you need to start another one, go for it."

Now, how to choose between the two? You will want the splash screen if you are sitting in front of your screen, and the email otherwise. So we need a way of discriminating between the two. Following this idea, we can use
function is-locked
try {
$currentuser = gwmi -Class win32_computersystem | select -ExpandProperty username
$process = get-process logonui -ea silentlycontinue
if($currentuser -and $process){"LOCKED"}else{"UNLOCKED"}
#Always return LOCKED if logged in remotely
catch{"LOCKED";return} }

Finally, here is a BAT-file one-liner wrapper, called ps.bat to run your PowerShell script on systems where execution of random scripts has been disallowed by default (for good reason). We cannot override this default without admin privileges, but we can by pass it temporarily by calling

@powershell -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned .\%1.ps1

You can then call your PowerShell script, e.g., poll.ps1, and simply type ps poll in your command prompt to invoke it quickly.


Friday, February 1, 2019

Electric cabinet lock and other small DIY

Every once in a while, we have people (such as cleaners, babysitters or contractors) who have access to our home while we are away or distracted. And I am perfectly aware that petty theft usually does not happen in these scenarios (one case is enough to ruin the perpetrator's career), we also know that from time to time, against all odds, it does happen. So we needed to come up with an idea of protecting my wife's jewelries from an opportunistic snatch.

In other words, I needed a lock on the jewelry drawer, preferably one that would be discreet, and would not involve drilling the front of the (moderately beautiful) dresser cabinet. 

In a previous edition of this scenario, I accomplished this using two magnetic child locks (like these ones, they come in a huge variety) - to open the drawer you'd need to simultaneously place magnetic keys at two unmarked, previously known spots, which makes for an excellent discrete opening mechanism. But this time the cabinet dimensions proved incompatible with the locks. To add to that, even a casual glimpse of the open drawer, sporting the big white child locks, would instantly reveal our trick. Finally, the mounting holes for magnetic locks look bad even on the inside of the cabinet. (Whoever tries to convince you that these locks would hold on an adhesive mount, has not tried it. Adhesive mounting tape can be strong, but is is invariably terrible for dynamic loads such as repeated banging from trying to open a cabinet with the lock engaged but forgotten about.)

So I was searching for a geometrically suitable lock and stumbled upon this part, which just happened to have just the right dimensions to fit between the back wall of the drawer and the back wall of the cabinet. In addition, an electromagnetic lock has the advantage of not requiring submillimeter-precision alignment between the lock and the armature/striker plate - something that would totally plague most mechanical designs (like this one). 

I already had an unused electric key switch, which could be discretely built into the back wall of the cabinet, totally out of sight yet within easy reach. The only missing piece now was how to power the lock. Using a DC power adapter seemed an easy choice, but it is very easily defeated by unplugging it from the wall. Using batteries (and placing them in the same space between the drawer and the cabinet) was more secure, but with the lock's power consumption of 100 mA, batteries would require replacement every 1-2 days. 

Therefore, an ideal trade-off would be a plugged in adapter with a battery back-up that would take over the lock if the adapter is unplugged. After giving it some thought I came up with this circuit:

The central component here is the relay K1 that connects the battery through the normally closed contacts and disconnects it when external DC power is present. The diode D1 is there to ensure that the battery is not getting charged by the adapter (non-rechargeable batteries don't like that). The diode D2 ensures that the battery is not getting discharged through the output circuitry of the adapter. The diodes D3 and D4 are flyback diodes, which prevent arcing and sparking at the key switch (or the power jack).

Finally, the resistor R1 is the current limiting resistor for the relay coil. It actually proved the most problematic component because of the need to mitigate heat dissipation in the enclosed space behind the cabinet. With some experimenting I found that the relay coil current for reliable operation was 40 mA, yielding 0.32 W of dissipated heat, so when I stupidly put a 0.125W resistor, it got pretty charred very soon. Even a 0.5W resistor was getting worryingly hot. Since I totally don't want my lock to start a house fire - that would be the exact opposite of what a "security lock" is supposed to do - I first hooked up four 800 Ohm, 0.5W  resistors in parallel (2W total). This got the resistors slightly warm to the touch but not hot. Here is how it looks like from the inside and outside:

As an upgrade, I later replaced the 2W resistor arrangement with a 5W component on a heat sink. Now operating at 6% capacity, the heat dissipation was small enough for the lock to run for days on end without getting warm. As an additional precaution, I have installed a thermal fuse designed to cut the AC power circuit should the temperature ever exceed 73 degrees C (this was the lowest value I could get off Amazon). So this is the new set-up:

The beauty of the design, aside from it being totally discrete, is its being both fail-secure and fail-safe. It is fail-secure in the short term, meaning that power outage will keep the lock running on battery power long enough for a malefactor to not want to stick around. On the other hand, the rightful owner can wait several days for the batteries to discharge, and have the cabinet open if the key gets misplaced or lost.

BONUS: Here's some more office DIY. At one of my workplaces, the desk phone used too much useful space on my desk, so I wanted it next to my desk instead. Not wanting to drill any holes in the shiny new company property, I came up with a mount out some stuff lying around in the office, namely:

  • an old cardboard small packet from a recent online order
  • some Scotch tape
  • some good supply of cable ties
  • and a jar of spare furniture bits and pieces, apparently mostly from IKEA. 
This is the "before" and "after" image. If interested, I can give you more detail.