Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Old Phone/Tablet as an Info Board: Update 3 - The elusive sunrises and sunsets

While I was messing up with the infoboard's bus widget, I also decided to touch up on the weather forecast (see the detailed description in the earlier post) and and add a few more visual cues to it.

I wanted to distinguish day and night, so that it becomes immediately clear how the weather behaves at sunset and during the morning commute, kind of like so:

My first attempt was very simple: I added a function eachTime() that did this:

function eachTime(){
 var str = $(this).text();
 var hhmm = str.split(":");
 var sunrise = 6; var sunset = 22;
 if (hhmm[0]>=sunset || hhmm[0] < sunrise) {

along with a single line in forecast():

However, this seemed a bit artificial to declare night as "anything from 22:00 till 6:00", so I wanted actual sunrise/sunset times to be calculated. Although, with my degree of precision of 1 hour, this seemed like a relatively simple mathematical task, there was no need to reinvent the wheel since PHP already has date_sunrise() and date_sunset() functions. So I geared up a new PHP script as follows:
$remote_dtz = new DateTimeZone('US/Eastern');
$remote_dt = new DateTime("now", $remote_dtz);
$offset = ($remote_dtz->getOffset($remote_dt))/3600;
echo '<html><head></head><body>';
echo '<span id="sunrise">';
echo '</span>';
echo(':'); echo '<span id="sunset">';
echo '</span>';echo '</body></html>';

The only trick here is to get the correct GMT offset; I am also rounding up the result to the nearest hour. It is then very easy to load this script in another hidden iframe like so:
<iframe id="astronomy" style="visibility: hidden; height: 0px !important;" src="astro.php"> </iframe>

and amend eachTime() as follows:

function eachTime(){
 var str = $(this).text();
 var hhmm = str.split(":");
 var dom=$("iframe#astronomy").contents();
  var sunrise = 6; var sunset = 22; //fallback
  sunrise = parseInt(dom.find("#sunrise").text());
  sunset = parseInt(dom.find("#sunset").text());
 var commute = 8;
 if (hhmm[0]>=sunset || hhmm[0] < sunrise) {
  if (hhmm[0]==commute){ $(this).css("color","rgb(225,255,0)");$(this).css("border","1px solid yellow");}
 else{  if (hhmm[0]==commute) {$(this).css("border","1px solid black"); $(this).css("background","rgb(255, 213, 171)");}}  

There is no need to bother about refreshing astro.php because the entire system refreshes at 2 am every day anyway, and even if we happen to be 1 day off we are well within the desired accuracy margin. In addition I have added a cue mark for the morning commute, which is (unfortunately) independent of where the Sun happens to be. (And your mileage may vary here too, distinguishing weekdays from weekends and even accounting for statutory holidays if need be.)

BONUS: As an addition, notably after a strong wind storm in our area, I wanted to colour code wind as well, along with rain and temperature. Here's what I changed about eachWind():

function windgradient(base,gust){ 
var b=(base>=80)?1.0:(base/80.0);
var g=((gust-base)>=25)?1.0:((gust-base)/25.0);
if (g<0) g=0;
    return "rgb(" 
  + Math.round(255.0) + "," 
  + Math.round(255.0*(1.0-b*g)) + "," 
  + Math.round(255.0*(1.0-b)) + ")";

function eachWind(){
 var rawstr = str = $(this).text().trim(); 
 var str = rawstr.split(String.fromCharCode(160));
 var result = "rgb(255,255,255)"; var speed = 0;
 try { speed = parseInt(str[1]);} catch(ignore){speed=0;}
 var gust=speed;
 if(rawstr.indexOf("gust")!=-1) {try { gust = parseInt(str[2]);} catch(ignore){gust=speed;}}

So the colour intensity and hue can independently give some information about how strong and how gusty the wind is, more or less like so (yes I did it on Wolfram Cloud for a quick illustration):

Friday, May 15, 2020

Old Phone/Tablet as an Info Board: Update 2 - The snappy client-side bus board updates

Last time I promised to touch upon what I did on the client side of the bus widget to make it look like this:

In simple terms, I needed to solve the following problem: given the timetable loaded X minutes ago, find the number of minutes remaining until the bus departures now, and based on that, highlight the buses that are convenient to catch (i.e. which depart roughly when I reach the bus stop if I leave soon).

We remember that the timetable, as loaded, returns its output nicely compartmentalized into distinct <span>'s:

so the idea is to do the following at regular intervals:

  • query all #bustime's for departure times;
  • determine the time difference between those times and the current time
  • update the number of minutes in #busreal's
  • re-colour all #bus* according to the number of minutes left, taking into account the time it takes to walk to the bus stop.
The ideal point of insertion from the point of view of the flow control would be the clock() function, which is scheduled to run every second to update the clock; every 10 seconds I ask it to do the following: 

function clock(){
var now = new Date(); var h=now.getHours(); var m=now.getMinutes(); var s = now.getSeconds();
$("#nowclock").text(((h>=10)?h:("0"+h)) + ":" + ((m>=10)?m:("0"+m)) + ":" + ((s>=10)?s:("0"+s)));
if (s % 10 ==0 ) {
var mintogo = 6; // walking distance to stop in minutes
var togo = -1; var nextgo = -1; var num=0; var fnum=-1;
var dom = $("iframe#miway").contents();
while(num<6) {
 var token = "#bustime"+num;
 var nextbus = dom.find(token).text().trim();
 nextbus.replace("now","0 min");
 var am = (nextbus.indexOf('am')>0); var pm = (nextbus.indexOf('pm')>0)
 var idx = nextbus.indexOf(' ');
 if (idx>0) nextbus = nextbus.substr(0,idx);
 var ddot = nextbus.indexOf(":"); if (ddot<0) return;
 var hh = parseInt(nextbus.substr(0,ddot)); var mm = parseInt(nextbus.substr(1+ddot,nextbus.length-ddot));
 if (am && hh==12) hh=0; if (pm && hh<12) hh+=12;
 var hcarry=(h<20 && hh>20); var hhcarry=(h>20 && hh<20);
 if (hcarry) h+=24; if (hhcarry) hh+=24; 
 var diffmin = (mm+hh*60) - (m+1+h*60);
 togo = diffmin - mintogo;
 var thiscol = buscolor(togo);
 var token = "#busnum"+num; if (num==0) token="#bustoken";
 dom.find(token).css("background", thiscol);
 var mintxt = ':'+diffmin+'m';
 if (diffmin<0) mintxt = ':-';
 if (diffmin==0) mintxt = ':now';
 if (num==0) {
   mintxt = '('+diffmin+' min)';
   if (diffmin<0) mintxt = '(--)';
   if (diffmin==0) mintxt = '(now)';
 dom.find("#bustime"+num).css("color", thiscol);
 dom.find("#busreal"+num).css("color", thiscol);
 if (togo>=0 && nextgo<0) { nextgo=diffmin; fnum=num+1; }
dom.find("#realtime").text("leave in " + (nextgo-mintogo) + " min");

where the auxiliary function buscolor() is simply

function buscolor(togo){
 if (togo<0) return 'rgb(200,180,180)';
 if (togo<=2) return 'rgb(255,200,0)';
 if (togo<=4) return 'rgb(255,0,0)';
 if (togo<=8) return 'rgb(255,64,64)';
 if (togo<=15) return 'rgb(255,100,100)';
 if (togo<60) return 'rgb(255,128,128)';
 if (togo<120) return 'rgb(255,128,255)';
 return 'rgb(255,0,255)' // error

That's it. Note the following:

  • The code handles both 12-hour and 24-hour times but the output is forced into 24-hour because it offers smaller footprint.
  • The item number 0 has a different, more verbose output format; the additional #realtime contains a hint when to leave home for the "next suitable" bus.
  • The container that should be called #busnum0 is called #bustoken instead. This is for historical reasons: the system looks for #bustoken as an indicator that the timetable has loaded.

It remains to be seen whether doing this every 10 seconds will prove feasible for the Playbook in terms of "mean time between refreshes / restarts". 

P.S. Turns out I had planned this feature all along, according to my own original post:

Our mileage may vary even further. For example:

  • we may imagine the code to throw out "missed" departures, moving the remaining ones up the queue, and even triggering an extra timetable refresh when there are too few (say <3) left;
  • we may intelligently trigger an extra refresh every time we are nearing the "leave home in 2 minutes situation in order to make sure that the upcoming bus is still on schedule;
  • we may keep track of how much the real-time departure information is changing between refreshes (provided they happen often enough) and detect when delays start to appear or frequently change (this is indicative of unstable traffic, warranting more frequent refreshes)...
...but we aren't building an after-market professional grade departure board here, and "perfect" is a very common enemy of the "good enough". 

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Old Phone/Tablet as an Info Board: Update 1 - The sneaky Mississauga buses

Since I wrote my original series 2 years ago, my custom made info board has proved a (moderately) trusty friend and a time saver, especially on busy mornings. It does need a manual refresh every now and then (roughly once every 1-2 weeks), and the Playbook itself needs a reboot once every couple of months, but this is part of regular maintenance and hey, the thing is still running fine on a year-2011 Playbook and a 2013 DiskStation, which is, in and of itself, a proof that I did a decent job, and an occasion to celebrate - so cheers :)

However, nothing is forever, especially on the Internet. Over time, the board started losing components, which prompted more in-depth maintenance and code revision. So I am writing a series of update posts to list and describe that maintenance.

One of the components that bit the dust lately was the departure board for the buses at our nearby bus stop (see my earlier post on how I did it, I will be referencing it often.). Contrary to my fear that my brute-force string parsing of a JSON in PHP would give me debugging headaches, it actually proved remarkably robust. Something totally different happened: the query for the JSON was simply giving me Error 404. Apparently, the company just scrapped the service and seems to have migrated to a wholly different platform. Well, as I said, nothing on the Internet is forever, so I needed to re-implement the web scraping for the next bus departure times.

I will forgo the description of a 3-hour long troubleshooting spent in Chrome's web inspector feature (mostly because it happened too long ago for me to recover the details of it); suffice it to say that I ended up finding a new request in this format: stop ID)
resulting in the following:

Sweet. A simple Inspect shows a clear document structure:

I wasn't inclined to modify my "bake the page directly in PHP" method, but I could now afford to parse the document somewhat more intelligently, like so:

function getElementsByClass(&$parentNode, $tagName, $className) {
    $childNodeList = $parentNode->getElementsByTagName($tagName);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $childNodeList->length; $i++) {
        $temp = $childNodeList->item($i);
        if (stripos($temp->getAttribute('class'), $className) !== false) {
    return $nodes;

$url = "$stop";
$code = file_get_contents($url,false,$context); 

$routes=array(); $times=array();$rid=0;
$dom = new DOMDocument();
  $thisraw = $items->item($i)->nodeValue;
  // set route - we are in the outer LI
  $token1 = "Bus"; $pos1 = strpos($thisraw,$token1)+strlen($token1)+2;
  $token2 = "Show"; $pos2 = strpos($thisraw,$token2)-2;
  $rawroute = substr($thisraw,$pos1,$pos2-$pos1);
  if (strlen($rawroute) <= 5) 
  {$thisroute=$rawroute; }
  else // we are in the inner LI, so get time for the already set route
 $thisattr=0; $thisattr += (strpos($thisraw,"real time")!==FALSE) ? 1 : 0; // real time attr
  $attr[] = $thisattr;    
  $diritem = getElementsByClass($items->item($i),"span","next-departure-label")[0];
  $direction = $diritem->nodeValue;
        $direction = str_replace("towards ","", $direction);
  $routes[] = $thisroute . substr($direction,1,1) . " ";
  $timitem = getElementsByClass($items->item($i),"span","next-departure-duration")[1];
        $thistime = $timitem->nodeValue;
        $thistime = str_replace("<", "",$thistime); // filter < 1 minute:: gone anyways 
        $thistime = str_replace("<", "",$thistime);
        $entity = htmlentities($thistime, null, 'utf-8');
        $thistime = str_replace(" ", " ", $entity); 
        $thistime = html_entity_decode($thistime);
 $times[] = $thistime;

where I borrowed the function getElementsByClass() from StackOverflow; the snippet aimed at getting rid of all &nbsp;'s was likewise borrowed from there.

As a result I was now getting an array of bus routes and bus times in string arrays $routes[] and $times[] respectively. However, I still needed to sort my buses by departure time rather than by route as in the screenshot above; the trick is that some of the times are given as "5 min" while some others are like "2:35 pm".

I got around the problem by determining the "number of minutes till all departures" and storing it in $nummin[], like so

$rawtime = new DateTime();
$rid = (($rid>6)?6:$rid);
for ($j=0; $j<$rid; $j++)
  if (strpos($times[$j],"min")!==false)
   $nummin[$j] = intval(str_replace("min","",$times[$j]));
   $temptime = new DateTime($times[$j]);
   $fulltime = getdate($temptime->getTimestamp());
   $nummin[$j] = intval(($temptime->getTimestamp() - $rawtime->getTimestamp())/60);
   if($nummin[$j]<0)$nummin[$j]+=(24*60); // add a day if needed

and then using it to bubble sort all three arrays (6 elements aren't worth doing anything more sophisticated):

for ($i=0; $i<$rid; $i++)
 for ($j=0; $j<$i; $j++)
   $temproute = $routes[$i]; $routes[$i] = $routes[$j]; $routes[$j] = $temproute;
   $temptime = $times[$i]; $times[$i] = $times[$j]; $times[$j] = $temptime;
   $tempmin = $nummin[$i]; $nummin[$i] = $nummin[$j]; $nummin[$j] = $tempmin;

For output, we would need the reverse operation, i.e. converting "in 5 minutes" to a valid departure time. The reason is that we can't afford to pull the timetable every single minute, so labels like "in 5 min" would very soon mean "in 5 minutes, as of 3 minutes ago" which isn't very convenient to use. To get around this confusion, I have employed the following trick:

for ($j=0; $j<$rid; $j++)
  if (strpos($times[$j],"min")!==false)
   $live = $times[$j];
   $mins = intval(substr($live,0,strpos($live," min")));
   $newtime = (clone $rawtime);
   $newtime->modify("+{$mins} minutes");
   $bustime = date("H:i",$newtime->getTimeStamp());
   $times[$j] = $bustime . " (" . $live . ")";
if (strlen($times[0])<4) $times[0]= $timestamp." (now)";

Note the line with $newtime = clone $rawtime. It is very important that $newtime is cloned, otherwise $newtime->modify(...) will modify $rawtime and our code will work, but will produce a wrong timetable! Also note that the last line is a patch to ensure that "<1 min" is captured as "now" regardless of possible parsing errors upstream (spoiler: there are errors upstream).

As an afterthought, as I have both the number of minutes and time for all departures, I decided to output them both, breaking up the elements and giving them distinct IDs for future access. Here's how:
$css= ' style="font-weight: bold; color:rgb(255,128,128);"';
for ($j=0; $j<$rid; $j++)
 if (strpos($times[$j],"(")!==false)
 {$times[$j] = str_replace('(','</span><span id="busreal'.$j.'" '.$css.'>(',$times[$j]); }
 else { $times[$j] =    $times[$j].'</span> <span id="busreal'.$j.'" '.$css.'>('.$nummin[$j].' min)';}
 if ($j==0) $css=str_replace(';"','; font-size: 14px;"',$css);
. . .
echo '<span id="bustoken" style="background: ',$color,'; color:white;">', " ".$routes[0], '</span>',  '<span id="bustime0" style="font-weight: bold; color:',$color,'">', " ", $times[0], '</span>', '  <span id="realtime" style="color: ',$color,'; ">[...]</span>';
if ($rid > 1)
{echo "<br/>";
 echo '<span style="color:rgb(255,235,235);">', $timestamp, ' </span>';
 for ($j=1; $j<$rid; $j++)
  {echo '<span id="busnum'.$j.'" style="background: rgb(255,128,128); color:white; font-size: 14px;">', " ".$routes[$j], '</span>',  '<span 
   id="bustime',$j,'"  style="font-weight: bold; color: rgb(255,128,128);font-size: 14px;">', " ", $times[$j], '</span>  ';

You can surely notice that the "breaking up" thing was really an afterthought and is not neat code at all. I will probably yell at myself for doing it this ugly when I decide to refactor this in another 2 years. :)

So, here is the final result:

And this is how it looks like in an embedded form:

What's with all the different colours, you ask, what does "leave in..." mean, and why is formatting so different? I bet you guessed it: the 16:31 bus is already too soon to catch, and the 16:33 can be caught just barely, if you leave now and make haste. In my next post, I am going to describe how I achieved this on the client side.

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Computer surgery, DVD player laparoscopy, and even more debugging without a debugger

Pre-prologue: Computer surgery

Long story short: the battery on my old Mac gave up the ghost in a relatively ugly way and I had to put a bit of effort for that ghost not to become a fire spirit. In one picture worth a thousand words, this is what happened:

Which meant that the only computer with a DVD drive was severely crippled, and I was getting fed up with hooking a computer to the TV whenever there was a "please Daddy may we watch..." So I decided to buy a simple standalone DVD/Blu-ray player.

Prologue: DVD players and world travellers

The trouble was, I have lived on 2 continents in 5 different countries (at one time, simultaneously), and while doing so, a hodge-podge mini collection of DVDs from at least 3 different regions materialized on my living room shelf. While I fully understand the region mechanism so that a new blockbuster may hit the box offices at different times in different parts of the world, this protection kind of makes zero sense for titles (or worse, indies) released around the world long ago. Of course there's VLC and dvdlibcss but hey, this whole thing was done to spare the hassle of having to connect a computer to the TV to play a disc.

In other words, I needed a region freeing or region switching mechanism for my player. I researched some forums before buying, and it seemed that at least *some* players of this kind could play discs from around the world; also there were already "multi-region" players of this kind freely available for sale on Amazon and third-party websites (presumably with modified firmware), so I thought that it might be worth to try my luck as well.

Expectedly but disappointingly, the unit was not multi-region out of the box. None of the methods "off the internet" worked either. None of the "magic" remote control codes. Some more in-depth sites suggested burning a special CD-R to enter the "advanced settings mode", but this did not work for me at all (and people were writing in the forum that this CD-R method was good for any player except North American, which was my case). The forums even mentioned that the only way was to physically get into the player by soldering some wires to its serial interface (yikes: I am not that big a fan of soldering  and my few circuits even tend to work better on a breadboard than in soldered form), so it seemed that I had to use the computer route for anything outside North America...

Entry route and initial troubleshooting

...or not? Further search got me to a page mentioning what is called "the Pandora exploit". Here's the essence of it:

$ cat /mnt/rootfs_normal/usr/local/bin/pandora/



if [ -e /mnt/sda1/PandoraApp ]; then
    /mnt/sda1/PandoraApp -qws -display directfb
elif [ -e /mnt/sdb1/PandoraApp ]; then
    /mnt/sdb1/PandoraApp -qws -display directfb
    /usr/local/bin/pandora/PandoraApp -qws -display directfb 
What this means is that when the player is asked to launch the Pandora app (I had no idea what this was, at the time), the player looks for PandoraApp executable in the following directories, in that order: /mnt/sda1/, /mnt/sdb1/, and finally /usr/local/bin/. Which is to say that if you put a shell script called PandoraApp in the root folder of a USB stick, plug it into your player, and launch Pandora, it will execute that script instead of the app.

This was worth trying out. Pandora isn't available in Canada so there was no menu item to call it, but as soon as I changed the player's country to US, that menu item happily appeared in the Premium menu of the player (which holds all the "streaming app" capabilities). Provided the player was connected to the Internet (i.e. had wi-fi set up and running), I was able to get to a nice splash screen where I was happily informed that, well, "Pandora isn't available in your country".

The exploit page mentioned setting up a reverse shell, but this seemed to me too complicated in a home network situation full of dynamic IPs and firewalls. Instead, what I put on the SD card was

ls > /mnt/sda1/check_a.txt; ls > /mnt/sdb1/check_b.txt;

This time, running Pandora resulted in the USB stick LED blinking once and then the player froze with a black screen, forcing me to do a hard reboot. The USB stick nicely contained the file check_a.txt, holding root directory listing, and confirming that the drive was indeed mounting under /mnt/sda1.

Next time, what I put on the drive was:

ls -alR > /mnt/sda1/dirlist ;
/usr/local/bin/pandora/PandoraApp -qws -display directfb;

The last line ensured that the Pandora app was launched after what I instructed the player to do, allowing me to return to the main menu and avoiding the need for a hard reset. After a few unsuccessful tries, I got a nice full listing of the player's file system.

The reason for "a few tries" turned out to be that I was accidentally using a defective USB drive which, due to its old age or/and compatibility issues, had a corrupted file system that took the player forever to list. So, kind of "bad luck". However, I had a compensating "good luck" that the first stick I tried ended up working - the newer ones did not, even the first script wasn't being executed at all, presumably because newer drives were mounted under some different path. Had I started with a non-working stick, I might well have thought that the exploit didn't work anymore, most likely got patched in the newer firmware, and would have given up any further tries... the lesson of this was not to give up and "throw it until it sticks" a few more times.

Analysis and solution

Okay, I have the full listing of the player's system, now what? 

I spent some time carefully studying the listing, and after a few red herrings stumbled onto this:

total 108
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root    232 Jun  1  2014 .
drwxr-xr-x 6 root root    424 Jan  1  1970 ..
-rw-r----- 1 root root 107677 Jun  1  2014 config_file.txt

So copying the file to the USB stick for investigation by doing

cp -f -v /mnt/ubi_boot/var/local/acfg/config_file.txt /mnt/sda1/ ;
/usr/local/bin/pandora/PandoraApp -qws -display directfb;

and opening the copied file in a hex viewer such as hiew immediately gave me this;

 Promising. Let us zoom in for a closer look:

Looking at the byte signature after each option, it seemed like the first non-zero byte marked something like the beginning of the data section (always 01); the second marked the length of the data (01 for one byte, 02 for two bytes etc.), and finally the last byte stored the relevant information (e.g. FF at 0x50C stands for 255 years Blu-ray age restriction).

At this point many would say "Got it!" and rush to change the bytes at 0x3E3 and maybe 0x408 from 01 to 00... well, not so fast. Remember the exploit only works when you have a bootable player! The file is not encrypted, that much we can see, but what if there is a checksum somewhere that needs to match with any edit of the file? A mismatch may, at best, trigger a factory reset, and at worst, brick the player. So I changed an option from the Settings screen, for example the above mentioned age restriction to, like, 128 years. Re-dump the file, and...

>fc /b config_file.txt config_file1.txt

Comparing files config_file1.txt and config_file.txt  0000050C: 80 FF

OK, we are safe at least on this front. 
For editing, you could either buy the full version of Hiew, or use Recordman which is from the same author. Here goes, for example, 

The modification of ..._BDAGE is needed for us to be able to visually confirm that the new file has taken effect; the modification of ..._REGIONFREE is just for good measure, I have no idea what it does. Store it as config_file_fix.txt, and do the following...

cp -f -v /mnt/ubi_boot/var/local/acfg/config_file.txt /mnt/sda1/config_file_pre.txt >/mnt/sda1/report.txt ;
cp -f -v /mnt/sda1/config_file_fix.txt /mnt/ubi_boot/var/local/acfg/config_file.txt >>/mnt/sda1/report.txt ;
cp -f -v /mnt/ubi_boot/var/local/acfg/config_file.txt /mnt/sda1/config_file_post.txt >>/mnt/sda1/report.txt ;
/usr/local/bin/pandora/PandoraApp -qws -display directfb;

... to find that it does not work, and the edits revert back upon player restart.

Well, after some more probing, reading, dumping, and more reading up on UBI, MTD and NAND flash, it occurred to me that write-behind cache might have been playing tricks on me; after all, the system totally doesn't expect a file modification at this point. So I tried adding /bin/sync after copying the file, hard-reset the player some time after the script executed, and it worked; looking at settings confirmed that the BD age restriction went down from 255 to 254 years.

I have to give you a "proceed at your own risk" warning here, for two unrelated reasons. First off, I have no idea how robust the player software is against false moves such as accidentally erasing yor config file entirely or messing up in any other way; having actually done sudo chmod -r / on my first Mac (followed by sudo chmod +r / ... what does it mean "sudo not found"?!?) I can say that it is entirely possible to brick your player this way, and there will be no way back unless you really want to (and can) do the soldering thing. The other reason is that media industry does not pat us on the back for reverse engineering their code because 9 times out of 10 people try this with some form of piracy in mind. Well that wasn't my motive whatsoever (since I already had quite a few ways to play all of my entirely legal discs), and it should not be your motive either. So, don't try this at home unless you really know what you are doing, and if you do, proceed at your own risk and treat it like I treated it -- as a troubleshooting challenge (which I love) along with a comfort improving thing (which I value).