Thursday, November 2, 2017

The power of one-liners

In modern software engineering where most software is written by large groups of people most of whom seem to dislike reading each other's code. As a result, most organizations have some style guidelines for their code: proper indentation, naming conventions, commenting, you name it.

And most developers will have strong opinions about how code should (and even more so, shouldn't) look like. And they will defend (and, their position permitting, enforce) their opinions with near-religious fervor. Most often, they will yell at you for writing this:

for (i=0;i<n;i++) for (j=i;j<n;j++) if (a[i]>a[j]) {double t=a[i];a[i]=a[j];a[j]=t;} // bubble sort A

and instead insist on something like this:

// Bubble sort array A

for (counter_rows = 0; counter_rows < n; counter_rows++) 
    for (counter_columns = counter_rows; counter_columns < n; counter_columns++) 
        if (a[counter_rows] > a[counter_columns])
            double temp_variable t = a[counter_rows];
            a[counter_rows] = a[counter_columns];
            a[counter_columns] = temp_variable;

Yes, it looks neat and tidy. But is it really all that readable?

No, not really.

It is very hard to honestly defend a standpoint that a piece of code is easier to read if have to scroll through three screens to read it, as opposed to fitting it on one screen. "But this way it is more organized", comes the objection. Very true, but how is it organized?

It is organized by instructions.

But what for? By instruction is how the compiler looks at the code, but the compiler does not give the slightest damn about your code style. Humans are much more interested in what the code does than in how the code does it (assuming that you, a fellow developer, already have some knowledge of the "how" once you know the "what").

From this standpoint it makes much more sense to organize the code by logically distinct blocks -- important steps of your algorithm that you would put on your flowchart or pseudocode (pseudocode, after all, was invented specifically for this purpose: convey the meaning of complicated code in a simpler, readable, understandable form).

And this means that simple, elegant one-liners -- once (and if) they are self-evident in what they do -- are much more preferable than expanding them on two screens. See for yourselves:

//simple operations, e.g. sumproduct or matrix multiplication
double S=0; for (int i=0;i<N;i++) S+=a[i]*b[i];

for (int i=0;i<N;i++) for (int j=0;j<N;j++) for (int k=0;k<N;k++) c[i][j]+=a[i][k]*b[k][j];

// one-liner error checking, prep or boilerplate
if (failed || !solution_good) return false;

double param; if (!genericParam.Has_Double) throw Error; param = genericParam.Get_Double();

customVector<double> vec(vec1); int vec_n=vec.Count(); double* vec_ptr=vec.Data(); 

//getter/setter methods
double someClass::getSomeProperty() {return someProperty;}

void someClass::setSomeProperty(double arg) {someProperty=arg;}


UPDATE: Following some discussion, I feel I need to clear up a confusion here. Any code, prettified, is more readable than the same code, minified. The idea of one-liners isn't about improving the readability of the one-liner code itself! It is about the exact opposite: the one-liner code is assumed to be trivial and therefore not worth going into any great detail about, so the idea is to minify the one-liner code so that it does not get in the way of what's really important and interesting in your code. In other words, it is about improving the readability of the code surrounding your one-liners.

As for naming conventions, they definitely make sense for anything that would be (re)used in several places through the code. If something is set up in one place and is used elsewhere, by all means make the name of the variable (class, object, ...) speak for itself.

That said, still try to keep it short. Calculations in the code are formulas, and formulas read much easier with shorter variables than with long, verbose ones; that's why they introduced variables in textbook formulas in the first place, and they do write E = mgh instead of "Potential_energy = mass * specific_gravity * distance" anywhere beyond grade two at school.

For intermediate variables such as loop counters, simply don't bother. Mathematical names such as a, x, y, i, j, k will perfectly do and they will make your calculations so much easier.

There are exceptions -- sometimes, when naming is especially prone to confusion, do add some mnemonics, such as i_row and i_col rather than i and j, lest you mess up your array indices. But in most cases, formulas in the code need not look any more verbose than they do on your scrap paper.  Sometimes, it is even advisable to assign "long" mnemonic variables to short ones, do the math, and then assign the result back to the long variables.

So -- no, I'm not saying your code should look like Toledo Picochess (see below). But  do write in your IDE as you would write on the blackboard, and do write code as you would write pseudocode.

After all, making code readable is all about making it readable for a human.

P.S. Toledo Picochess looks like this: (now THAT's truly unreadable code!)
#define F (getchar()&15)
#define v main(0,0,0,0,
#define Z while(
#define P return y=~y,
#define _ ;if(
char*l="dbcefcbddabcddcba~WAB+  +BAW~              +-48HLSU?A6J57IKJT576,";B,y,
b,I[149];main(w,c,h,e,S,s){int t,o,L,E,d,O=*l,N=-1e9,p,*m=I,q,r,x=10 _*I){y=~y;
Z--O>20){o=I[p=O]_ q=o^y,q>0){q+=(q<2)*y,t=q["51#/+++"],E=q["95+3/33"];do{r=I[p
)P 1e5-443*h;O[I]=0,p[I]=q<2&(89<p|30>p)?5^y:o;L=(q>1?6-q?l[p/x-1]-l[O/x-1]-q+2
>h?0:p,L,h+1,e,N,s):0 _!(B-O|h|p-b|S|L<-1e4))return 0;O[I]=o,p[I]=r _ S|h&&(L>N
||!h&L==N&&1&rand())){N=L _!h&&s)B=O,b=p _ h&&c-L<S)P N;}}}t+=q<2&t+3>E&((y?O<
80:39<O)||r);}Z!r&q>2&q<6||(p=O,++t<E));}}P N+1e9?N:0;}Z I[B]=-(21>B|98<B|2>(B+
1)%x),++B<120);Z++m<9+I)30[m]=1,90[m]=~(20[m]=*l++&7),80[m]=-2;Z p=19){Z++p<O)
putchar(p%x-9?"KQRBNP .pnbrqk"[7+p[I]]:x)_ x-(B=F)){B+=O-F*x;b=F;b+=O-F*x;Z x-F
);}else v 1,3+w);v 0,1);}}

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